Genoa and its province are known for the many village festivals that are organized from the first days of spring until early autumn. Food stands, religious processions, music, fireworks and markets: a real opportunity to immerse yourself in the local atmosphere.
Especially in the warmer season, the festivals take place one after another, with a busy program combining ancient folk traditions with tastings of local products.
Below are some of the best-known festivals near Genoa.

Focaccia Festival in Recco
Not to be missed is the focaccia festival held in the town of Recco every year on the fourth Sunday of may. Famous for its delicious cheese focaccia, the day's program includes music, food stands, tastings, workshops and timed challenges. Don't miss the free distribution of focaccia with onions in the morning and cheese focaccia in the afternoon.
How to get there. Recco is easily reached by train from Genoa Brignole station.
July festivities in Rapallo
As per tradition, July 1st, 2nd and 3rd in Rapallo take place the festivities in honor of Our Lady of Montallegro. Three days in which the historic center and promenade are enlivened by numerous stalls and food stands. In the evening, musical performances and, not to be missed, fireworks displays over the sea in which the city's boroughs compete against each other with colors and firecrackers. The highlight is on the evening of July 3rd, with the procession in honor of Our Lady.
How to get there. Rapallo is easily reached by train from Genoa Brignole station.
Stella Maris in Camogli
One of the most scenic village festivals is the Stella Maris, held every year in Camogli on the first Sunday of August. In the morning you can take part in the boat procession featuring the historic sailing ship ü Dragun: direction Punta Chiappa. In the afternoon you can watch the parades of vintage boats and boat races. In the evening, everyone heads to the beach to catch a candle, which are released into the sea all at once, creating an thrilling light show.
How to get there. Camogli is easily reached by train from Genoa Brignole station.
Street Food Fest in Genoa
Not exactly a traditional festival, but a must for food and wine lovers, is the street food festival held at the Porto Antico in early September. Discover Genoese cuisine by taking part in cooking shows, food stands, talks by renowned chefs and educational events.
How to get there. From the Astoria Hotel you can take the subway to the San Giorgio stop, or a bus to Caricamento Square.
Other festivals around Genoa
Other festivals around Genoa worth mentioning include: the Cattle Fair in Struppa in June, the Focaccette Festival in Crevari in late July, and the Chestnut Festival in Fontanegli in October.
Want to experience the excitement of a village festival? We will help you locate the nearest festival that is easily accessible from Hotel Astoria.