'Life: Work In Progress...'â„¢26 set 2021Tempo di lettura: 4 minTips For Single TravelThere are so many reasons why travelling alone can happen. Whether it's a conscious choice to be alone or from an unexpected life change...
'Life: Work In Progress...'™24 ago 2021Tempo di lettura: 2 minCiboIt’s not all about the Pizza ~ Pesto Pesto Pesto!It’s not all about the Pizza ~ Pesto Genova Style, traditional recipe & World Pesto Competition
'Life: Work In Progress...'â„¢24 ago 2021Tempo di lettura: 2 minLibriYou say Genova, I say GenoaThe Italian port city is named Genova, the English word is Genoa, as is with Naples (English) and Napoli (Italian). Originally named...
'Life: Work In Progress...'â„¢24 ago 2021Tempo di lettura: 2 minCulturaHow, When, Where, Costs for San Lorenzo Cathedral, Genova The stunning city Cathedral has been through relocation, expansion, fire, reconstruction, restoration and rebuilding and in 1133 became...